Tuesday, January 16, 2007


For those of you who don't know our history, I'll try to sum it up in as little length as possible.
Oct 20th, 05 I was in a car accident that left one man dead, my best friends legs shattered, my hand and foot broken, and all of our lives changed forever. During my recovery time, I decided to spend as much time as possible with my mom before she moved 1,800 miles away. That one month led me to a life better than I could have ever imagined.

It was how I met my husband. The guy next door. An amazing and beautiful man. (This is where I could go on forever, but I'll spare you...) We were engaged by the end of the week, and married before we had known each other for 3 months. We didn't have much time to celebrate, because we found ourselves pregnant immediately. Which was hard to explain to our families, because they didn't even know that we had eloped, and now there's a baby on the way!

Lindsey was born a month premature, on September 3 2006, and was in the hospital for 12 days before we could bring her home. We were a happy family! Chandler (my step son, age 6) was doing great in school, Luren (my husband) was busy providing for his family, I was home taking care of the baby, and Lindsey was going through diapers like crazy!

That didn't last very long. In Nov 06, Lindsey had contracted meningitis and had to fight against things that most adults never have to face. At 2.5 months old, she had a stroke, developed a seizure disorder, a feeding disorder, anemia, GER, and was diagnosed with cerebral infarctions and abscesses (parts of her brain were thought to be dead, and she had liquid on the brain that might require surgery to be drained) We didn't know when or if she would ever come home.

Lindsey recovered much faster than expected, and came home after a month at the hospital. There are still questions that we won't know the answer to for several years.

So here we are... waiting

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